Examination and Promotion criteria of the school as per the C.B.S.E. guidlines Nursery to VIII and XI
 Term - 1Half YearlyTerm - 2Final
Syllabus25% (of whole syllabus)50% (of whole syllabus)75% (of whole syllabus)100% (of whole syllabus)
Exam Syllabus100%25% (from Term – 1)
75% (from Half Yearly)
20% from Term – 1
20% from Half yearly
60% from Term 2
20% from Term – 1
20% from Half yearly
20% from Term 2
40% from Final
For X and XII
 Term - 1Half YearlyTerm -2/Pre-BoardFinal
Syllabus30% (of whole syllabus)30% (50% of whole syllabus)40% (of whole syllabus)Revision (of whole syllabus)
Exam Syllabus100%25% from Term -1
75% from Half Yearly
25% from Term – 1
25% from Half Yearly
50% From Term 2
Final Exam 100% Syllabus According to CB